Sunday, January 13, 2013

Rosetta Montgomery shared American Miles's blog post on Facebook

I was really looking forward to going back to my life on November 6, 2012. To relax and pursue things I am interested in, writing, traveling and spending time with my family and grandchildren. To finally feel safe that my great country was back in sound hands, and would be led by a loyal American who would base his leadership on the Constitution of the United States and be a leader for ALL Americans. I would not have to wake up every morning wondering what freedom the president was going to destroy today. Or how much will it cost me and future generations. Sadly, I did not get that opportunity.


However, the mission will not sway me. I will continue to fight, because this nation is worth it. The future of my children and grandchildren is worth it. They deserve the same kind of free country I have had the privilege to grow up in. Past generations deserve the recognition and respect that what they suffered and worked so hard for truly matters, and made a difference.


Unlike Mr. Obama, I believe we are an exceptional nation; I trust in God and I appreciate all the blood and sacrifice of those who came before me. I will not sit idly by and watch that sacrifice be humiliated and diminished in vain. I will not allow evil to consume my grand-children?s future and promise. I will not permit tyranny to overtake this Republic. There are too many dictatorships in the world to choose from, the United States isn?t one of them.


Though I am weary from tracking the calculated deliberate destruction agenda, writing letters, signing petitions and making phone calls, I will never surrender. I will challenge every threat to our freedom, every overreach of power, every evil deed. I will call it for what it is, rather than wallow in the deception of denial for the sake of comfort. There is no reason to keep asking, ?Why? when the answer is clearly in the outcome. A soldier on the battlefield does not have the luxury to ask why an enemy is shooting at him; he just knows it is a matter of survival to shoot back. Motives of the enemy are of no consequence. The victory is defined by life preserved and protected.


I do not know what the problem is in Washington. Whether it is a lack of courage or loyalty to their oath. Either way we cannot afford to rely on their judgment. It is evident that the seduction of power has overruled ethics and honor. Consciousness of right has left the building and has been replaced by personal gain.


The breath of life for this nation must come from We the People. The same way our Founders fought with nothing more than muskets, lanterns and the will to be free. We must stand united to ignite that resolve. The Declaration of Independence ends with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence and a pledge to each other of their lives, fortunes and sacred honor. It was not a decision they made lightly, or backed away from when things got tough. They finished the job and established the greatest free nation on earth. It is up to us, it is our solemn duty to keep it.



Let Freedom Ring


American Miles

January 2013


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